


“And the times of this ignorance God overlooked; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent.” — Acts 17:30

One of the great dangers of the modern Gospel is the omission of the fundamental requirement of repentance. This dire error corrupts the foundation of Salvation, dilutes the power of renewal, and erodes the core of true righteousness. In modern-day societal circles there is oft the notion of no true right or wrong, no true black or white, and no true principle of absolute. The church today has embraced this perspective, and incorporated it into the underlying philosophy and fabric of church growth. However, what is not being considered is spiritual rectitude. The biblical instruction to walk in God’s righteousness, and to perfect holiness, is not seen as significantly relevant, but simply relative, and its form takes a pseudo-righteousness that is nothing more than a tattered garb worn around the shoulders of the New Cross and New Gospel Christian. This should be to the chagrin of the godly saint. In reality it only represents a cloud of mist, rendering the wearer unable to see into the distance and the danger of what lies ahead. When the heat of trial arises, and the scorching wind of tribulation begins to blow, that which they thought covered and shielded them, will leave them standing bare, exposed to the elements, and incapable of standing spiritually strong against the onslaught of its callous, relentless force. For it is only repentance that brings about a renewal, a cleansing, and a redeemed soul and a changed heart, covered by the blood of Jesus and kept in the bosom of God. Without repentance there can be no forgiveness; without forgiveness there can be no cleansing; without cleansing there can be no change; without change there can be no spiritual growth. Such people stand in a precarious and invidious position, with hearts still blackened by the perpetual inheritance handed down from Adam. They remain unredeemed, though they may not recognise it. Repentance requires a recognition of one’s sin, and encompasses the deep sorrow for one’s conduct and the wish that it had never been so. Repentance also embraces the resolve not to continue in a manner that represents the wrongdoing; it is a resolve to change and do what is right.
Sadly, filled parish pews are seen as providential power and approval from the Omnipotent. What is failed to be comprehended is the misconception of God’s requirement for true salvation, and the foundational platform for spiritual wellbeing. Through His prophets, God called the people to repent. John the Baptist called people to repent, and to bear forth fruit in keeping with repentance. Jesus, when speaking about the tower of Siloam, and to the woman caught in adultery, called for repentance. Peter called the people to repentance at Pentecost, when he informed them about what they had done, and Paul informed the people of Athens of God’s command to repent. God is not a pusillanimous God who drifts like man on the tide of contemporary change in order to maintain the approval of man. He is God – a holy, righteous, just, upright and powerful God. He does not change His requirements to suit men; He commands all men everywhere to repent. 
Let thine heart, O Soul, repent of thine turpitudes,
Let thine heart, O Soul, embrace God with gratitude; 
Let thine heart, O Soul, be cleansed and set free,
Let thine heart, O Soul, live with Him throughout eternity.”


Judson McCawl



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