Book 2 – Book Blurb

Book 2 – Book Blurb

Law & Grace: Divine Intervention 



This book blurb reveals the outcome of Book One.


The unfolding tale of Tim’s journey as the outworking of his salvation comes to life and manifests itself in a miraculous, merciful and amazing way!

Law & Grace: Divine InterventionTim, a varsity student and resident in the coastal town of Ailensbury, has just accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. What lies ahead for him? Will he make it through the battles, challenges and confrontations and be victorious or fall away and be a victim? Will God divinely intervene and encourage him, provide the answers and help him through? Will Gloria, his mother, be receptive to him, being a non-Christian herself, and what transpires in her life?

Join Tim, Gloria and the others as they face the sometimes pressing journey of life, and follow Tim as he treads the field of battle of his Christian faith through the taunts, temptations and trials. See also how God is able to meet with Gloria personally and bring to life the verse in the book of Romans, “God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

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Interested in sampling the book? The first seven chapters have been uploaded. CLICK HERE.